These two month have been just as busy as the first two. Judah continues to go with the flow, keeping up with the busy schedule of our family. He did start having a sweet college student, Abbey, start to watch him one day a week while I work. He adjusted fine and seems to really enjoy his time with her. We finished a cold day of Marching Band competitions, had his first Trick or Treating and a very thankful First Thanksgiving (I have almost no pictures of that because my phone died :( )
He loves to figure things out: puzzles and games with pieces. He is starting to imitate a lot more words and saying a few more. At one point this month he said "Evan", which is the first name after Mama and Daddy. But he hasn't continued. Anna was heart-broken that he said Evan's name first and is hoping when he starts saying names, hers will be the first consistent name :)
He continues to be a great eater and eats a good variety of foods. he continues to love his fruits though. And he eats snacks and meals all day long. He's growing well and is caught up on immunizations. We rock him before bed and play night time music as our routine and he sleeps well until early morning. He loves to climb and investigate everything, everywhere. His laugh is hearty and readily available. He enjoys being held. He still sucks his thumb when he's tired and to sleep. He says "puppy" and pats the dogs. He says a few animal sounds, which are hilarious. "Meow" is is my favorite, sounds like a dying cat.
Here are pictures that capture Judah these two months:
He sucks his right thumb and rubs his left sleeve at the same time. |
Thanksgiving with the Ryan side this year. |
Our turkey! |
A snuggle and a thumb put him right out. |
This climbing adventure did not end so well for him. |
He loves to try and ride anything the big kids get out. |
Doesn't matter if it fits or not, he's going to try it out! |
Our Wookie at the zoo trick or treat. |
He loves to help (his version) load and unload the dishwasher. |
Mr. Potato head! |
He dies not sit long to watch a show yet, but this morning he was
checking out the ballet Levi wanted to see. |
He takes any opportunity to get in a a little wrestling with his siblings. |
And why catch bubbles with your hands when you have a mouth! |