

Friday, September 2, 2016


Big News in the Ryan Household!  
          We are excited to announce that we are moving forward with another adoption from China.  We are hoping to be matched with a boy between the ages of 18 months and 3 years.  We are in the beginning stages but hope to travel by next Spring.  We had not planned on adopting again.  So this feels like a bit of a surprise, even to us.  There are many reasons why not to do this (like, a lot), but there are too many reasons to follow this path, to say "no".  Though it feels crazy, we are compelled in a way we can't put into words.  As Drew and I began wondering if this was something to consider, we asked the Big kids their thoughts.  And each one, after saying "really?", decided on their own that this was something our family should do. So, once again, we embark on a journey that will have ups and downs, stresses and joys, timelines that are not mine and end with our family growing to EIGHT!  Our current children's ages are : 16, 15, 13, 5 and 4.

How have we changed since adding the Littles:
        On the eve of adopting Elizabeth and Levi, as with the eve of giving birth to our biological children, we had fear of the unknown.  We KNEW good things were about to happen; but not knowing how it would look and change our family dynamics was a bit daunting. We did add a bit more commotion, lack of sleep, activity and a cramped minivan. But we also added a lot of love, inspiration, growth (for all of us) and a first hand view of how lives are changed by having a family; being wanted, cherished and adored. I didn't imagine I would be so changed by this Birdseye view. When I think of the children left behind, children who are stuck behind bars or closed doors, who have every bit as much personality, spunk, ability to love and be loved, grow and flourish into all they were created to be, but lack the opportunity.... I think, we really do have room for one more.  I am changed.

What happens now?
       Well, lots of paperwork has been in progress.  We are waiting for our Home Study to be reviewed and sent to us to look over. 9 of 10 documents are notarized, certified and will soon be sent of to DC to be Authenticated.  We will apply thru US Immigration to be approved to adopt again.  AND very importantly, as soon as our home study is complete, we can submit grant applications.  We are working on fundraising ideas to engage our "village" in Orphan Care as we partner together to make a difference, to change a life. We are reminded of God's provision and the faithfulness of many as we walked this road before.  We were and are reminded of how God provided immeasurably more than we could have even asked on our last journey.  And it makes it easy to trust again. Scary, but easy to step into faith.  Faith that He will provide where He has called us.  

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