We are days away from travel. Judah is heavy on our minds. His last days with his Ayis/Nannies is here. His week of "lasts". But it is also the days of the pages turning to a new chapter of "firsts". As we cross off the lists in these last days to prepare for travel, I continue to feel confident that Judah was meant to be our son, even though we didn't plan to have 6 kids. We hadn't planned to adopt again. But since the day we said "yes", there has not been one doubt in my mind. And in the midst of stepping out to "Live A Crazy Life" following God as we see it, He continues to confirm and bless this journey. We have been immeasurably supported financially to make this happen. Just that feat alone is something I stand in Awe of how He has provided for this child, when I had NO IDEA how it was going to happen. I grew in faith during our last adoption, and saw God bless the adoption story in our life in unbelievable ways and I knew. I knew there was a way. I am amazed and in awe of the perfect timing of each detail of this journey. I am always awestruck, but never completely surprised. So very, very grateful.
Since we have been matched and named our son Judah, there has been a confirming song that brings me to the thrown to worship. If you are familiar with contemporary christian group Big Daddy Weave and their song
Lion and the Lamb, you know what I'm talking about
you can listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTUX8_ETIjc
Our actual service Sunday Morning.
"Who can stop the Lord Almighty?
Our God is the Lion,
Roaring with power and fighting our battles"
First you have to know, I went into our last church service before leaving for Judah, knowing it would be powerful. I am feeling excited, overwhelmed at this opportunity and feeling the pulse of how close we are. I was hoping, just hoping, that this song would be on the worship list today. And boy was it! God's subtle reminder or wink to me "I got this, remember, I'm the Lion, Judah's Lion. I've been fighting for him since the beginning." I felt overwhelmed with the confidence this was orchestrated before I ever knew it. And then, when I went to the evening service the High school had to celebrate the week they had had at conference and one of the last songs...... Lion and the Lamb. I just chuckled. Perfect!
I have felt Him in the midst of running to Judah. And I have felt secure in this journey, "even though"... even though the cost is overwhelming, even though our family is already large, even though we are busy with high schoolers... even though we are busy with preschoolers, even though some can't understand why. That's okay. We have an audience of One. I find my confidence in the God who is our Lion, roaring with power and fighting our battles.... our Lion, your Lion, Judah's Lion.
*Addendum 9-1-17
On 8-25-17, I returned to our first church service with Judah. It will be no surprise to you that God welcomed us "home" with the song "Lion and the Lamb", Judah's song. It felt like the Lord scooped us up and hugged us right there. He sent us off with that song, He welcomed us Home with that song and He reminds us He is with us as we follow Him.
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